Henry and ME – Blog2024-08-23T00:08:25-06:00

What if you could feel affirmations through images?

So, I've been thinking about affirmations lately, and I thought, 'Why not make an app for it?' And I did! Honestly, writing them down by hand is the best, but it's not always easy. I wanted to make it easier to do on my phone, but I figured if I just typed them in, my brain wouldn't really remember them. So, I wanted to add images to my affirmations. The idea is, I put in the affirmation, and the app uses an AI to understand it and find an inspiring photo from Unsplash to use[...]

My sleep hack

One day, right before bed, I realized I had a habit of always looking at my phone. I tried leaving it outside my room a few times, but my mind would come up with all sorts of justifications to get it back. "I should check this," or "Maybe someone texted me." I thought, if I can't break this habit completely, I'll switch to an e-reader instead. I put a bedside lamp and the e-reader next to my bed and left my phone on the floor across the room. I tried this for around two months,[...]

Where memory meets intelligence

When you start to learn about AI, you might think about the risks involved before implementing it. How much of an impact would a certain percentage of errors have on your work or business? You might start to question if implementing AI is even the right choice, constantly going over these issues in your head. Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) is a search-enhanced service that retrieves necessary information from a vast database. When you use RAG, it tends to have fewer hallucinations compared to the widely used ChatGPT. Plus, you don't need to run AI[...]

Where AI Becomes Action!!

Have you seen the latest IT news? It seems that major companies are transforming their services into AI Agents. Apple is evolving Siri, Amazon has Alexa, and Google is focusing on Gemini. Each company appears to be moving towards automation within their own platforms. So far, AI technology has been limited in productivity, primarily generating text, but the emergence of AI Agents could usher in an era where everyone actively utilizes AI. From a digital marketer’s perspective, I believe this will dramatically change the way we communicate and consume media. Real-time personalized messaging and[...]

Flux + Lora photorealism

The awe you’re feeling? Flux + Lora photorealism—That’s breaking down the boundaries of AI. Even I can’t tell if it’s a real photo or not. The uncanny valley? That’s old news. I’ve linked Hugging Face. Check it out. https://lnkd.in/gdJZxE4W

Llama 3.1: Building Your Own AI Just Got Easier!

The recent release of Meta's Llama 3.1 has sent shockwaves through the AI industry, and for good reason. This cutting-edge language model boasts impressive performance that rivals Open AI's GPT-4 and Claude 3.5. But what truly sets Llama 3.1 apart is its ability to be fine-tuned on a local machine, without the need for online services.This feature has significant implications for individuals and organizations alike. With Llama 3.1, users can create their own custom AI models on their local machines, without the need to send sensitive information to online servers. This is a major advantage[...]

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